Thursday, April 2, 2009


I took one of those ridiculous quizzes on facebook asking "which famous bitch" I am. Seven questions to define my personality:

Sinnead O'Connor

I couldn't help laughing considering my current hairstyle, but the description also fit my personality perfectly. Maybe I should listen to more of her music. I haven't heard anything by Ms. O'Connor since my month of living in Northern Ireland my junior year of college - where I learned more about life and truth than I can possibly say. Brendan, the man with the plan on the Emerald Isle forced us to listen to Sinnead, U2, and Sarah Black over and over and over - not just the albums...the same songs...over and over and over. The O'Connor song was dealing with the Potato Famine and how it wouldn't have been an issue at all, except for the fact that the Irish people were only allowed to eat potatoes. Everything else - fish, lumber, all other crops, were exported directly to Britain and the Irish were allowed to live only on potatoes, making the blight devastating to the Irish people of the time.

I find it unbelievable what human beings do to one another. It hurts my heart. Just knowing that there are people out there who would do something like that, or something like Hitler. Or molest a little girl, or kidnap and kill a little boy. I don't know how we mothers survive, knowing the pain our children could have someday if we don't watch them so meticulously, smother them so fiercely - and even then, bad things still happen to children.

There was a child molestor featured in Bicycling Magazine last month or so who is now apparently helping poverty stricken people somewhere in the world and that was supposed to be redemptive somehow. I supposed everyone deserves forgiveness. I know this to be true. But if it had been my child, it would have taken a true miracle for me to forgive before killing the man.

You think you're this certain person, and then you have children and realize you're simply not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You've just described my transformation of twenty-nine years ago; on April 7, 1980, at nineteen, I became a mom. A fierce, teenage mom with a jerk husband at the time whose seven years seniority belied his immaturity. It was my college, my emancipation, my self-realization; all the things they say not to do...I used to struggle with the fact that my path to being my own self broke the rules: it was all about my children. It was a long, long road and cost me many heartaches, but looking back over those early years, I know if I hadn't had my kids, I would just have curled up in a ball and given up.
Redefining Juliet so resonates with me....Thank You!

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